Safeguards for your home can easily be added to your spring-cleaning checklist. Cleaning a home from top to bottom provides a great opportunity to check that certain safety measures are in place to protect your home and family.
Fire Safety
Smoke alarms should be installed on every level of a home, in basements, inside bedrooms, and outside sleeping areas. Consider installing interconnect smoke alarms that will all sound when one sounds.
Alarms should be tested at least once a month. Batteries will need to be replaced yearly. Schedule a specific time each year or replace when the chirping reminds you the battery is low. Non-replacement 10-year lithium batteries are the exception to this rule.
Smoke alarms older than 10 years old should be replaced.
Fire extinguishers can be helpful when putting out small fires. It is recommended to have several fire extinguishers placed strategically in your home for quick use.
Be sure you know how to operate your extinguisher properly. Check your extinguisher regularly and get it tested by a professional every few years.
Safety Precautions
Be sure you know how to locate your utilities in case of emergency. Know where all shut-off valves are located and how to turn them off. This includes water, gas, and electricity.
Emergency Plans
Spring can bring with it some wild storms and weather. It is always a good idea to check that you have a family emergency disaster kit ready. This can be extremely helpful should you need it. Check out some ideas on what should be included in your kit here.
Have ready all phone numbers and contacts for your insurance company. You’ll want quick and easy access to this information if there are damages to your home.
Have a plan in place that will keep your family safe during a storm. Know where you will shelter in your home. Practice with your family so that all members know the plan.
Be informed and watchful about the weather by tuning in to local radio, tv, or alerts on your phone. Know your communities weather emergency plans and pay attention to any communications. Listen and obey all warnings.
Safety should always come first when it comes to your home and family. The spring-cleaning season offers a great opportunity to check in and ensure that proper measures are being taken.
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